Twenty Steps to Peace!
Many years back I found something that changed my walk with God. It had been there all the time! Why I was not taught this, I don’t know. What I found was the difference between just believing in Jesus than “trusting” in Jesus! I have researched every book I have and a few Bible programs. I researched my Bible program. Here is one issue I have found: In translating from the Greek to the English, the word “believe” was inserted, removing the word “trust”. Let’s use John 3:16 to explain:
Believe Vs Trust
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV) John 3:16
The word believe is Strong’s #4100, meaning: (pisteuo) commit unto, commit to (one’s) trust. Be put in trust with, be committed to one’s trust, to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith.
This word was taken from #4102 meaning pistis, meaning faith, belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same. A holy fervor born of faith and joined with it.
This word was taken from #3982, meaning peitho, a primary verb, meaning, persuade, trust, obey, to persuade unto, i.e., move or indue one to persuasion to do something, to listen to obey, yield to comply with, to trust, have confidence, be confident.
#3982 sends you to #1537, meaning a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out, (of place, time, or cause, literal or figurative, out of, from by.
Before we go any further, let’s make sure that the word commit is dealt with. What does commit mean? Webster’s defines the word “commit” as to give over to another the care or use; entrust.
What about the word “believe”? Webster’s defines the word “believe” as; to accept as true or real. To credit with veracity, to expect or suppose: Think, Acceptance that certain things are true.
Webster’s defines the word “faith” as: Belief and “trust” in God.
Webster’s defines the word “trust” as: total confidence in the integrity, ability, and good character of another. One in whom confidence is placed. Something committed “into” the care of another. Charge.
There are different definitions here, one is a surface thing, the other is deep. Within the Interlinear Bible, we can see the original Greek translation.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone “believing into” Him should not perish.” (Interlinear Greek-English) John 3:16
In other words, we are to commit our lives “on” to Him, therefore we should believe “into’ Him! Doesn’t this go back to the definition of trust we just read from Webster’s Dictionary?
The word “into” in the Strong’s is #1519, indicating a point reached, or entered of place, time, purpose, result, also in adverb phrases, abundantly. Continual, far more exceeding for intent purpose! To the intent of one mind!
The general English translation is not accurate, the original translation is accurate. But two little words (believing into) alters everything!
The Centenary translations: The New Testament in Modern English (Helen Barrette Montgomery) states: “...whoever trusts in Him...”
The Jewish New Testament puts it this way:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed.” (Jewish New Testament) John 3:16
The Jewish New Testament puts it this way:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed.” (Jewish New Testament) John 3:16
“Trusting in Yeshua is not mere intellectual acknowledgment but adherence to, commitment to, trust in, faith in, reliance upon Yeshua fully human, completely identified with us, and at the same time fully divine, completely identified with God.” (JNT Commentary)
To say that we believe and not follow and walk in the lifestyle of Yeshua is not being saved! It is of no account! That is scripturally backed up with what we have just read!
We must trust in Him continually daily, being of one mind! That is Salvation!
When you trust in God, you commit your life to trusting whatever He is going to tell you to do! We must commit to trust in God and pledge our lives into God’s hands. Not say technical prayer, and then live our life the way we want to, that isn’t trusting. That isn’t salvation!
Salvation is not merely affirming in one’s mind certain facts or ideas about Jesus, nor is it merely feeling good in one’s heart toward God!
Going back to the Interlinear Greek-English New Testament which said, “that everyone believing “into Him”. Look at it really good, there is nothing here to indicate that you “just” have to believe. The word believe, was substituted for the word trust! It is merely the originating point, the conception if you will for a trust and yielding of ourselves to learn to listen, obey and comply with what God wants to make us into, and for what He wants to do with us. It is the beginning point of our “makeover”! We must do something! It is and ongoing process, a transformation. A willingness to be changed. It is a continual submitting!
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. “Then” you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV) Romans 12:1-2
If it were just believing, the written Word would have never stated the following:
“But someone will say that you have faith and I have actions. Show me this faith of yours without the actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions! You believe that “God is One”? Good for you! The demons believe it too - the thought makes them shudder with fear! But, foolish fellow, do you want to be shown that such “faith” apart from actions is barren? Wasn’t Abraham declared righteous because of actions when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith worked with his actions; by the action the faith was made complete; and the passage of the Tanakh was fulfilled which says,. “Abraham had faith in God, and it was credited to his account as righteousness. He was even called God’s friend. You see that a person is declared righteous because of actions and not because of faith alone.” James 2: 18-24 (JNT)
Abraham didn’t just believe, he trusted, and listened and obeyed! It took action on his part, and acting on his faith, and living his life according to what God wanted, not what Abraham wanted! It wasn’t a one-shot deal!
As with Noah, had he not “trusted” God, where would we be today? Would we be alive?
All these patriarchs and matriarchs of our faith didn’t just believe, they trusted and obeyed God daily for their salvation. What testimonies!
The Demons Believe!
“You believe that “God is one”? Good for you! The demons believe it too - the thought makes them shudder with fear!” (JNT) James 2:19
If believing were all it took, the written Word wouldn’t have stated what we have just read in James 2:19. We need to take this short little verse very seriously. If we think to merely say the sinner’s prayer and believe is all we must do, then we are deceived! Believing is only a portion of it! If that was all it took, then Satan and his demons would be guaranteed a spot in Heaven!!
So, I ask you, if all we must do is, “just believe”, then what makes the difference between us and Satan’s army of demons?
We must believe, trust, and obey daily that is salvation! Believing, trusting, and obeying daily, is what sets us apart from Satan and his demons. To just believe would keep us in the same category as the demonic realm. If this sounds harsh, look at James 2:19 once again. It says, “...the demons believe it too...”, so don’t you want to do more than believe?
Count the Cost
If this walk with Jesus was not more than just believing, Jesus would not have said the following:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers, and sisters -- yes, even his own life -- he cannot be my disciple. (NIV) Luke 14:26
What does this mean, let me quote from the Jewish New Testament Commentary? “The theme of this verse is not alienation from one’s family but the cost of discipleship: nothing, not love for father or mother or even one’s own life, is to take precedence over loyalty to God and His Messiah (Mt. 16:24). He/she must renounce all that he/she has (vs. 33), acknowledging that if God is to be primary in that person’s life, possessions, and even social relationships, in and of themselves, must be secondary. Being Messianic (of or relating to a Messiah, is more than merely acknowledging facts about Yeshua.”
(JNT, pg. 129)
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (NIV) Matthew 16:24
“Yeshua’s great call to discipleship is His teaching on how to think the way God thinks (vs. 23) ...To follow Yeshua is to say no to oneself, not by practicing asceticism (to cut oneself) or developing low self-esteem, but by placing the will of God above one’s own feelings, desires and urges. To take up one’s execution-stake is to bear the instrument of one’s own death (Mt. 10:38) for as Bonhoeffer put it ...’When Christ calls a person, He bids that person come and die.’ The consequences of whole heartedly taking this stand is given in vv. 25-26” (JNT Commentary, p.55)
If our following Jesus was not more than just “believing” Jesus would have never said the following:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (NIV) Matthew 7:13-14
“Go in and through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (JNT) Matthew 7:13-14
It is my belief that most people want the easy way on everything. Why not, it is easier. You can do what you want to. You can get your own way; you can have control over your life. If fact, there are classes and seminars being taught on how to take control of your life.
Are things in control in people’s lives? No, let me explain. Most of this world thinks they have control of their own life, even the teenagers. But they don’t! If that were the case, then why is the world so out of control? And why are people being raped, robbed, mugged, and murdered? If people’s lives are in their control, why are so many people alcoholics, or drug addicts?
I ask you, are most people in control of their lives? No! Think about what I have just said. Whose nature and character is being manifested in this world, is it God’s or Satan’s? There is rape, murder, robbery, alcoholism, drugs and abuse, whose character and nature is that? You got it! Satan!
Who is in control of your life? Considering the world, we live in, don’t we need “saving” every day? Don’t we need a God that we can “trust in”, instead of a God we just “believe” in?
We must believe, trust and obey on a daily basis and that takes perseverance on our part! Why? Because, our Master said:
“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (NIV) Matthew 6:34
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (NIV) John 16:33
From what Jesus said, we will have trials, tribulation, and tough circumstances. Why? Because life is not a bed of roses, nor is it “just a bowl of cherries”! You know that don’t you? So, what should we do when we encounter problems? Is there a plan we can follow to make sure that we are on course? Are there steps to take that will ensure that God is in control of every circumstance in our life? What do we do?
We studied last week about God being the “boss of our life” and we were given our list of how to be sure we are in God’s will. So, what do we do when we come up against a problem?
Sit Down and Listen!
We must sit down with “The Master” and listen to His voice!
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. (NIV) John 10:27-29
“... and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." (NIV) John 10:3-5
Hearing the voice of God is not just for a few! God wants everyone to hear His voice. We can you know, but it takes time and practice. We must be willing to take the time to do this. Set aside time to just “be” with God, take a tablet and a pencil and ask God to cleanse you and write down what you hear. Let Him talk first, don’t just start asking questions, listen! Be patient, don’t hurry. The written Word, says, “Be still and know that I AM God.” Be still and be patient, learn to be quiet and listen.
Twenty Steps to Peace
- Get with God and find out His perspective and His direction.
- No matter what a person has done to you, you need to go through forgiveness. Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-22
- If God tells you to lay the issue or circumstance down, do it. Sometimes that is all we need to do. “Having done all stand...” Eph. 6:13
- Ask God to heal the pain. (See Steps to Forgiveness)
- Ask God to remove the memories and scars. (See Steps to Forgiveness)
- Listen for direction, but don’t take it upon yourself to do something without God telling you too.
- Watch your anger, is it righteous or unrighteousness?
(James 1:20, Ephesians 4:26)
- Don’t react!
- Don’t be confused, don’t get into a point of confusion! I Cor. 14:33\
- Don’t let a situation prevent you from doing something God has instructed you to do.
- Pray for tolerance, wisdom, strength, and love.
- Be willing to take chances for God.
- Believe the promises He has given you in the situation.
- You are God’s vessel and in certain situations God can send you into the worse of turmoil, sometimes to bring calmness and other times to expose.
- When all these steps are completely followed, God should be in complete control. How do you know that? When God says to you, “I AM in control.” Then He is!
- If God has told you He is in control of the situation, and you continue to be tormented in your mind or someone else is bringing it up. Go and ask God if Satan is tormenting you. (Satan wants us focused on situations to stop us from going on with God.)
- If you are being attacked or tormented, (if you get a yes to #16) get with God and do appropriate warfare. Ask God what to do.
- If Satan continues to torment you, or he keeps bringing up the situation back through your mind. Sometimes saying, “Shut up Satan!” is enough. If not than you need to cut off Satan’s communication to your mind and thoughts.
- If the situation worsens, go back to God, and get more direction. You may have to go back through the list up to #15 until God tells you He is in control again. You may need to go through more forgiveness.
- If God hasn’t told you up to this point. You may have to distance yourself from the person or people and shake the dust off your feet. Mark 6:11
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