God Abuse
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30 (NIV)
“Quench not the Spirit.” I Thessalonians 5:19 (KJV)
God has feelings! He has deep feelings! Man doesn’t think too much about God having feelings and emotions. I’m here to tell you God does have emotions! The Bible speaks a great deal about grieving God. The best part is that the Bible speaks a great deal about God loving us! However, the Bible speaks about our selfish nature also and this teaching is about a very selfish part of our nature. Here we go:
We are very aware of our feelings and emotions! In fact, we could tell anyone exactly to a tee what others have done to cause us pain and grief! If you have significant others in your life (those who mean a great deal to you) I bet, you have been hurt at some point by them! Most likely more than once. When they hurt you, I bet you shared that information with someone else in detail declaring how badly they hurt you! How do I know that? I know because I have shared my hurts also!
There is nothing wrong with sharing or venting our hurts with a trustworthy person. But! The test is how you go about it – what is your heart attitude in doing so? Is your heart motive to vent it out and then forgive them? Or is your heart motive an ulterior motive wanting to expose them? If you are telling the details of your hurts hoping that the person or persons will be outed and exposed – be very careful because that is God’s job to expose! Caution! There is a yellow flag flying on this one! Everyone would have to make sure with God what their heart motive is in a situation like this – so take care in sharing with another person.
Life Tool: I have learned the following! When I get hurt so does the Holy Spirit within me! When I hurt someone else the Holy Spirit in me gets hurt too because I’m inflicting hurt on another person!
The Holy Spirit not only gets hurt because He loves me, and He feels my hurt – He is hurt because the other person is acting against His will and inflicting hurt on someone else! It is a double whammy for God! It can get very complicated – because the consequences from hurting others can cause a chain reaction! It can cause splits in relationships, and splits in families! More often than you think it can cause (reap) mistakes - that can’t be fixed!
The precious Holy Spirit which is GOD always gets hurt the most because He sees deep into people’s heart and heart attitudes! He sees the motives and the ulterior motives!
How often do we even consider that what we do or say hurts God? We hurt God when we do things against His will in fact the definition of grieve is make sorrowful; affect with sadness; cause grief, offend; make uneasy!
Have you ever heard of emotional abuse? Of course! We have all heard of emotional abuse! I believe more than likely your emotions have been abused many times. When we love someone, and they hurt us by actions or words – it is very painful for us! Emotional abuse as well as physical abuse can cause emotional scars!
However, think about this: God loves us more than we know! He loves us with a perfect love! He loves us with an unconditional love! Therefore, grieving the Holy Spirit of God - is God abuse! Do we really want to hurt God? In church we sing praises to Him – we tell others we love God. Do we really love God and care how He feels? Think about it?
Not only do we individually grieve (abuse) the Holy Spirit of God – so do millions of others daily! If we truly love God, we need to allow this information to settle deep in our heart! If we truly love someone, should we not care if we hurt them in some way? If we hurt God, should we not repent and make sure there is nothing wrong between us and God?
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