Grace! God’s Definition!
Grace is a provision for making a mistake with an understanding that God loves everyone! But! He who follows God in completeness by hearing His direction and moving on it, walks in favor with God. He walks in a measure, and a portion of God’s loving kindness and can fulfill what deeds and works God has asked of his life. He can also accomplish this with a willingness not an oppression, or an obligation, or a legal attitude or a forcefulness! But with a willingness, a hope, a dedication, an interest, and an incentive to serve God in his life by following God’s direction and promoting what God stands for.
It is imperative that we do not misunderstand that although we will have judgement day, where yes, our hearts are examined, as well as our actions. Many people who have accepted the grace of God and His loving kindness and have failed to act on His direction they will not pass the narrow gate.
On the other hand, many who have professed that they knew God and they followed His direction, but all they did was their legal best to obey what works were obvious to others for their own gratification - will not be rewarded for their deeds.
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