How does God get Control of my Life?
How many times have you heard people say, God is in control?
God IS in control of the final situation in this world. However, the Bible clearly states that Satan has control of this world – in fact, he is declared as the Prince of this world! As far as everything in your life God has as much control of your life according to how much you allow Him too! Our choices can take God out of control in our lives!
We need to fully understand this. God is not in control of every situation in our life, UNLESS we spend time with Him and seek His direction and then follow through on everything, He instructs us to do! Therefore, it is so important to learn to hear God’s voice! Hearing God’s voice is our Divine right and we must learn to be still and listen. We must learn to be still no matter how much time it takes. There is no instant breakfast in this!
“Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. (NIV) John 12:31
“and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. (NIV) John 16:11
“We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (NIV) 1 John 5:19
Let us say you have a problem area in your life. Have you ever heard someone say? “Just give it to God, and He will take care of all of it. He will deliver you! God knows your needs - He will take care of it!”
I am going to get really blunt here! Most Christians honestly think that God is sitting in Heaven on His throne feeling sorry for them, and He is going to jump on His white horse and deliver them out of whatever the situation is.
God knows our needs, but He is not moved by need! He is moved by faith/trust and our obedience to Him! If you think that God, is going to feel sorry for you - and suddenly everything is going to get better in your life. This is “magical” thinking. To sit around and think and say, “God is in control” and He will take care of it - is to ‘expect’ God to work and operate on a moment to moment divine intervention basis! God does not work like that!
I Corinthians 3:9a states we are co-workers with God! Ephesians 6 says, “Having done all stand.”
NOW when a faithful follower has done everything God has asked them to do in a situation according to HIS perspective, then and only then may it be possible at that time for divine intervention! But God must make that decision – it is His call!
God is not our servant; we are His servants. So, when a situation or circumstance occurs, we need to get with God and asked Him for His perspective and what if anything He would like us to do regarding the situation. And after we have done everything He wants us to do, whether it takes one day or one year or even more – and even after that we may still have to wait for a very long time for divine intervention – because people have choices!
Think about this for a minute, when someone was healed by Jesus, was anything required of them? Yes! Faith and works (effort)! I urge you to go to God and to the written Word and see what was required of each person. Scriptures like, Luke 18:42, Mark 10:52 and Mark 6:56, Luke 8:48, all show a measure of effort and faith. Every scripture that I can look at on healing, shows an individual “going after” Jesus and that took work and effort on their part. While all the time, exercising their faith/trust. Jesus even asked someone to, “Stretch out your hand”. To someone else who had not ever walked He said, “Take up your bed and walk!”
We just cannot sit still, and expect to do nothing, that is not faith/trust. Faith and trust acts! To think any differently is to not know God at all! Likewise, if we have money problems for instance, we just cannot sit around. Some people whine and take money from others! There are those who think they are entitled to do this because they are in the ministry! They feel that the parishioners should take care of their needs. Others think because their life has been tough or something to that effect, that they are entitled for people to bail them out! If that is the case, they are thinking stupidly. If we choose this route nothing is going to change in our life! Unless we go to God, get direction, follow it, and allow God to maneuver us into a position that He can work in – then and only then can things be worked out according to God’s will for our life! Faith and Trust take effort on our part! We must WORK WITH GOD BY OBEYING WHAT HE TELLS US TO DO!
By our choice of whether to go to God for His perspective and for His instruction regarding each and everything in our life, - that is what puts God in control of our lives. Then we can get to a point in a situation where God can say as He did in the written Word, “having done all, stand!” This statement alone indicates you must do something, and it takes effort (work), and faith and trust.
We just cannot sit around and expect God to deliver us! It does not work like that. That kind of Christianity is off! I am not saying that God cannot do it, I’m saying He doesn’t work like that. When have you ever seen Him do that? If God works on need, why would all the people in different areas of the world be homeless and starving? It does not work like that. God works through people!
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