A Life Of Chaos!
Jesus’ life was a life of chaos! There were miracles because Jesus was able to bring God into the situation due to his obedience, faithfulness, and determination. Because Jesus did this - God was able to intervene every single time!
However, Jesus’ life daily was - chaos! It was extremely chaotic! There was no stability, and He knew it! He knew that every day was going to bring another problem or more pain.
When something keeps cropping up in God’s way Jesus didn’t sulk! If you were on a road walking, with Jesus and someone puts a huge detour – let’s say a boulder falls fifteen feet in front of you!
Do you think that Jesus is going to say, “Oh, gosh we have this boulder in the way, let’s turn around and go back?” He would NOT do that! Do you think He is going to sit there and say, “Now, we got this boulder in front of us, let’s just sit and feel sorry for ourselves’?” NO! He is going do one of a couple of things – He is either going to ask His Father God to move the thing out of the way or He is going to climb over it – or walk around it! However, we all know that He is going to do whatever God tells him to do!
The point is: when someone throws a detour in God’s will – God wouldn’t tell His son or us to stop and abandon the mission! God doesn’t give up nor would He tell Jesus or us too! Jesus may have to take one step back and think and listen for a moment – but Jesus immediately moves on – Jesus immediately keeps going! So, if you feel your life right now is constantly being detoured and road-blocked or if you feel God is consistently frustrated learn to roll with the punches – learn to go with what works, which is what God tells you to do!
What you would do in any given decision is not necessarily what God would do nor is it what HE would want you to do!
Your life could be turned upside down on a regular basis – so learn to roll with the punches! Seek God’s direction for each and everything in your life! Every decision you make in your life – God has direction for you!
(Read: Luke 4:2-44) (Isaiah 53:1-12)
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