Being Like Jesus!
Does God want us to be just like Jesus? Or does God want us to learn from His life so we can be the best we can be for God? Does He want us to copy what Jesus did? Does He want us to look at everything Jesus did and say, “Oh! I’m going to do that too! I’m going to be just like that.”
Is that what God wants? Do you ever ask yourself, “How can I do what Jesus does in order for God do those type of things in my life?” Maybe not those things exactly, but what can I do to become like Jesus in the way that He was so godly? He was so pleasing to the Father. How can I get to that point?
We are supposed to be looking at the example Jesus set to see how He led His life for God to be able to use us in the manner He wants to! Not like Jesus - but like God would want to use us with our own personality, and our own calling! From there, that is how we become most like Jesus!
If we try to copy Jesus, that is not becoming like Him. But, if we allow His life example to allow us to do what God created us to do, we will be more like Jesus in that way. It gives us the freedom to be what God wants us to be. THERE IT IS RIGHT THERE! Jesus gave God total freedom in His life!
If we are making our own decisions on how we should be and copying off Jesus, we reject not giving God total say in our lives. That is what example, Jesus did not set, because He gave God total freedom!
The bracelets people used to wear with WWJD were not appropriate. We can’t follow Jesus’ example, and say what would Jesus do? Why? Because for us to say, “What would Jesus have done in this situation?” When we say that. We are trying to evaluate it – thus what we are doing is making judgments, instead of going to God, and allowing Him to call the shots! We are making judgments on the situation and allowing our own opinion to determine what we think is happening. Most importantly, we are deciding based on our own opinion. At that point, we are not allowing God the freedom to deal with the situation in His perfect will. Here again – Jesus took his direction from his Father thus giving Him freedom to work in the situation. That is what Jesus always did, no exceptions!
If we start operating with, “Oh, what would Jesus do in this situation?” We have already blown it! We need to be saying to God, “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO HERE?” There is no way we can make a judgment in our human mind of what Jesus would have done. Jesus didn’t say, “I do what I think I should do, or I do what I think is right, or I do what I think is best suited for this situation. Nor, did he say I do what I think that the Prophets who came before me would have done.” I have not seen anything like that in the Bible - I have however, read the following: “So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I DO NOTHING ON MY OWN BUT SPEAK JUST WHAT the Father has taught me.” John 8:28 (NIV)
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