Believe OR Trust?
I was teaching one Sunday morning and a young man was here for the first time and all through the lesson up to that point had not said a word! In the middle of my teaching one of the people interjected this statement. “All you must do is say a sinner’s prayer and you will go to Heaven and your life will change! Plus, everything will be ok!” Immediately the young man spoke up with what seemed to be authority in his voice: “That can’t be all there it is to it.”
He was and still is absolutely -RIGHT! The way saying a sinner’s prayer is presented to a new believer most of the time is that it is a magic formula that immediately makes everything in their life come into order! A sinner’s prayer is not “instant breakfast”! The biggest of all the issues is this: The saying of a sinner’s prayer does not make your life in Christ “complete” that very moment! The completeness that Jesus has for us is not signed, seal and delivered in a quick sinner’s prayer! God does NOT work like that!
You see Satan and his Demons believe! They are not Atheists. The Bible says: “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the Demons believe – shudder.” (James 2:19 (NRSV))
The Jewish New Testament puts it this way: “You believe that “God is one”? Good for you! The demons believe it too-the thought of it makes them shudder with fear!” The Jewish New Testament Commentary adds: "The demons believe it too; for Satan and his minions are thoroughly familiar with Scripture and do not dispute its truth. But such intellectual affirmation is not saving faith, so the thought makes them shudder with fear”. FACT: Satan and his demonic realm are NOT going to Heaven for Eternity! Therefore, just believing isn’t enough it is much more than that!
The Living Bible states James 2:19 this way: “Are there still some among you who hold that “only believing” is enough? Believing in one God? Well, remember that the demons believe this too – so strongly that they tremble in terror.”
The VOICE Bible states James 2:19 this way: “Do you think that just believing there is one God is going to get you anywhere? The demons believe that too, and it terrifies them!”
These statements are very, very important! It is not enough to just believe or think that saying a sinner’s prayer is enough! God does not work like that!
We are not complete by simply saying a sinner’s prayer. Now, if we are truly sincere and our heart attitude is right, we have taken the first step in expressing to God, we want Him in our life and we are willing to follow Jesus’ example and follow the plan He God has for our life! God will know if you are sincere - because He reads our heart intentions!
Keep in mind the following: When Jesus walked this earth, He never asked a person to say a sinner’s prayer – he simply said, “Follow me!” Upon saying a sinner’s prayer or however you choose to ask God into your life – that is when following God comes into the picture and it requires – working out your Salvation! And more than just -mental assent!
I’m not against someone saying a sinner’s prayer! I said one at six years old. And, I have said another one a few more times as I have gotten older! You see, I like so many others around the world was told that all I needed to do was repeat after them. When I did that, they were telling me what to say to God! I have come to realize that is not what God wanted – He wanted me to tell Him what I wanted to happen between He and I. God takes this moment in our life – very seriously! He does not want anyone speaking for us! This moment and all future moments in our life are to be between He and I.
Satan was there when Jesus died, and he was there when he rose again, and he knows that Jesus’ blood was shed for the cleansing of sin! He knows all that and he believes it probably more than you and I do because he was there and saw it all with his demons right with him! Satan and all his demonic believe that God is who He says He is! But they didn’t lay down their lives for God! Satan took his life out of God’s hands and the demons followed suit! They wanted to do what they wanted to do! Out of his selfishness Satan wanted to run his life and do with it what he wanted. But he still believes Jesus is who He says He is! And he believes God is who He says He is! He has access to God’s throne room and goes there to visit and talk with God! He believes! So, why isn’t he going to Heaven? Once again, I say to you. If all it takes is to believe, then why is Satan going to Hell? Here is why: Satan and his demons are going to Hell because, they chose to do things the way they wanted to and they never - TRUSTED God! Ask yourself do you believe in God or trust in God? Trust requires -obedience!
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