Choices: Perfect or Imperfect?
God – God does not change His mind, however, there are times He must change direction. If Adam and Eve had obeyed God, there would not have been a need for God to send His son to pay the price for our sins! What a - perfect choice!
Man – By Adam and Eve’s choices their children and their children’s children must live in a corrupt world. Their choices carried great consequences for us all that cannot be fixed! Their decisions were – imperfect choices!
Satan - Satan was once known as Lucifer and he was referred to as, “O morning star, son of the dawn!” His plan was to: “… raise my throne above the stars of God. I will make myself like the most high.” The consequence of his choice was removal from Heaven -imperfect choice!
Angels – Yes, angels make choices. When Satan was planning his takeover of Heaven – one-third of the angels in Heaven chose to join him in his plan! In so doing they were removed from Heaven and became demons – imperfect choice!
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