Do you REALLY?
There is a difference between an acquaintance and a friend. Over my lifetime I have met and been introduce to many individuals. After being introduced to the individual I have chatted with them for a few moments. Later, if I came across that individual at a restaurant or in a store and we remembered meeting each other we may have stopped and talked for a few moments.
My point is this: All of us have had this experience at one time or another. When a situation like this arises – we have made an acquaintance. If asked regarding a person I was introduced to at some point if I know them – I could never say oh yes, I know them – implying we are friends. Nor could they say I was their friend. Why? Because we do NOT KNOW each other. There are many individuals I have heard about on the news and read about in articles. However, that is NOT KNOWING them! It is KNOWING ABOUT them – from READING ABOUT THEM!
I have repeated the following example many, many times when I have been teaching groups of people. I have seen Billy Graham on TV many times. I have been to one of his crusades. I have seen him on a very in-depth interview with the late Larry King. He was answering many questions from Mr. King for an hour. I have even read Mr. Graham’s books; however, I have never had the opportunity to sit with him and talk. I have never had the opportunity to sit with Mr. Graham and become his friend! Even after having read some of his books – I cannot say I KNEW Mr. Graham! If I were to say that I knew him, I would be lying! If Mr. Graham were still with us, I would have to introduce myself to him – because he would have no idea who I was!
You do NOT know someone because you read about them! The only way you can honestly say you know someone – is when you spend a great deal of time with them!
In Chapter 15 in the book of John - Jesus declares to His Disciples that they are His friends! Keep in mind He did not share that to His disciples until shortly before His death. You see: Friendship takes time spent! Over the almost three years Jesus had been teaching and sharing truths with His Disciples - during their twenty-four seven times together, Jesus was finding out many things about each one of them. The sad part was that He found He could only trust eleven out of the twelve! Jesus taught them everything they needed to know to accomplish their callings! In John chapter 15 verses 14-17 Jesus spoke the following: “You are my friends, IF you do what I command you, I no longer call you servants, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is about, but I have called you friends, because EVERYTHING I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you. You did not choose me. I chose you; and I have commissioned you to go and bear fruit that will last, so that whatever YOU ASK from the Father in my name - He may give you. This is what I command you; keep loving each other.”
The Lord wants to talk to you. He wants to hear your voice talking and sharing what is on your mind! He wants to be allowed to share with you and help you with your problems and your hurts! Do you feel that you are insulting God by NOT spending time with Him? God has feelings you know. Do you want a relationship with the Almighty God? It is totally up to you! God is NOT going to force you!
The late David Wilkerson said the following: “For some believers the initial measure is all they ever desire. They want enough of Jesus to escape judgment, to feel forgiven, to keep a good reputation, and to endure an hour of church on Sunday. Such people are in maintenance mode. They give Jesus only the bare requirements.”
So, I ask you – do you really know God? Or is God and acquaintance? Would you like to know Him? Can you recognize His voice above all the others? Do you want to know and hear His voice? Do you want to hear God tell you, “You are His friend?”
Well, IF you want to know God – it is up to YOU!
“We know that we have come to know Him IF we keep His commands. Whoever says, “I know Him, but does NOT do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is NOT in that person. But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in Him; Whoever claims to live in Him MUST LIVE as Jesus did.” (I John 2:3-6)
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