Facts on Suffering!
One - When we are persecuted for righteousness’ sake it is not us that is being persecuted – because it is not our righteousness!
Two - Suffering is part of the deal in this walk! We get too much of a picture sometimes from the church that we are not supposed to suffer, and all our suffering is paid for. We never really get use to suffering. Each time we suffer is different in a sense. If it were always the same type of suffering, we would get used to it. You will never get used to it. However, you will get stronger! You will get tougher! It gets easier to deal with suffering, but you never get use to the suffering. It always changes.
Three - This is a question often asked: Is there a way to stop the continuous suffering I have been going through so I can do what I have been put here to do? I am working with quite a few people, and it is like my suffering is basically due to other people’s mistakes, or their short comings with God. Of course, I can make mistakes – but it is like I am suffering at the hands of others.
Answer - NO! It is a part of life! It is a part of this walk! You can minimize some of the suffering and you can minimize the effects of how it stops you. It can slow you down, but it can’t stop you totally! It can postpone and slow you down this is truth. However, it can be minimized. The way you minimize it is by walking in obedience to God!
Righteous suffering includes any type of suffering you encounter in your walk of obedience. Unless and with the exception you have made a mistake of some type on your own. This type of mistake is when we have not followed God’s direction because we haven’t sought His direction. Or we knew what God wanted but we chose to do it our way. This type of suffering would be just that – suffering. This is not righteous suffering! There is huge difference between the two.
If we have done something against God’s will – this is a sin! And God’s grace does not cancel out the consequences of sin. This can be when Satan has been able to get in; or when we just plain do something on our own. This varies according to the level of walk you are at with God – and the level of protection you have from God because of the way you are seeking and walking with Him.
This is where alone time with God comes in. Not five minutes1 Not just reading something out of the Bible and praying to God with your wish list! This is learning to sit and listen until you get your answer – then the peace comes. However, people don’t want to do this! They make up excuses! The problem is really this – they want to do things there way. They can sit and watch TV for two to three hours a night. Then they will tell you – I don’t have time!
There can be no minimizing of suffering until your relationship with God is tight! And you are walking in Obedience!
FACT: Rejoice in your Sufferings!
One - Rejoice because we are helping others! We are helping a lot of people not just directly but indirectly.
Two - We are setting an example of helping others. If we weren’t obeying God these people would not be getting our help. They wouldn’t get anybody’s help because they wouldn’t know how!
So, right there, take that and apply it. If you truly look at what we are being able to accomplish how much more are we accomplishing when we are suffering! The rejoicing isn’t in the fact we are not feeling well, and we are pressing on anyway. It is in and comes, because we are making a difference - and we are going to leave this world a better place than it was before we came here!
It is right to rejoice in suffering! The problem is we don’t understand it until we experience it. Righteous suffering is for the sake of serving God! However, people are not going to understand it unless they truly experience. And that comes from walking in obedience and having the right heart attitude! Individuals are going to have to look at it through God eyes! They are going to have to get their attitude of “poor me I am suffering” out of it! Why? Because this isn’t about - US!
Be glad and fulfilled your suffering and work is not in vain for God. And He is happy with you, and you have blessed others! That is why you are here. You are a servant – your ministry is not about you! Until people get that through their heads and hearts - they are going to suffer, and they are going to displease God because of - their perspectives regarding suffering! Take comfort in and be glad - be encouraged in and be happy in - feel confident in. It is not a confidence like an indescribable peace - it is different. It is a restful calm deep within you which comes from knowing you are right where you are supposed to be with God! Because you are listening to Him in the quietness of your alone time with Him - and checking with Him during your day by asking, “How am I doing God?” And then waiting for His answer!” “Be still and know that I AM God!” That is what it is, a restful calm!
It is okay that I suffer. The rejoicing in the suffering comes from the fact we know the reason we are suffering is because we are helping people. With that willingness comes problems in our life. Yes, because Satan just gets flat out angry, but also because we are willing to help people. We are teaching people and we are supposed to be setting the example. We are allowing ourselves - we are letting God bring us into other people’s lives. Their mistakes and short comings have a direct impact on us and the quality of our lives.
Remember, they wouldn’t get the help if we weren’t willing. You must rejoice not because you are happy but rejoice because you are helping others!
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