God’s Grace Applied!
God’s Grace can only be applied in the case of someone who is walking with the heart attitude of wanting to trust and obey God . . . and they must want God for the RIGHT reasons!
For someone to think because they have said a Sinner’s prayer that his or her sins are forgiven past, present, and future is to take God - for granted! It is not that cut and dried! Grace is a precious gift, and not one of us deserves it! However, we must come to God for the right reasons! We must want God, and God alone, and not for what He can do for us!
We must learn to follow, listen to God’s voice, and obey! To think otherwise is an attempt to try and apply God’s Grace to an inappropriate heart attitude which is to – desecrate God’s Grace!
Someone, who is not sold out to God, hook, line, and sinker has no right to even think God’s Grace could operate in his or her life!
That is a form of blaspheme!
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