God’s ways are NOT our Ways!
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and My ways are not your ways," says Adonai. "As high as the sky is above the earth are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8 (CJB)
A right way or wrong way to do things based on man's perspective of right or wrong is not God's ways! When a man/woman does something based on their perspectives of right or wrong, it puts them way out of the will of God for their life. When someone thinks, "Oh, this is how it should be done, or this is the right way to do this", without having consulted God, they are passing - judgment! If someone makes a judgment on a situation or circumstance without giving God the opportunity to tell them what to do and how to do it in the way Jesus set the example for us, they are taking God out of control of the situation, and their life! Plus, they have pushed God off His throne and put themselves on His throne, and they are giving Satan an open door into their life, through the situation/circumstance they have chosen to handle on their own!
(John 12:49; 5:19; 5:30)
If someone else handles a situation or circumstance in a certain way, which doesn't seem appropriate to another person if they start saying, "Oh, God would never handle that, that way!" or if they say "That's not God's way of doing things - they are passing judgment not only on the person but once again taking God off His throne in that situation! Plus, they are judging Torah!
If we go to God and ask Him (if we are really willing to hear what God has to say), "Father, I don't want to be judgmental, but is that the way you want this to be handled by this person?" He just might tell you! Why? Because it just might give you an opportunity to learn to really know Him and how He really works!
The body of Christ thinks they know how God handles things, but you know what? They don't! Because you must spend time with someone one-on-one, time after time, day after day daily, talking and sharing and listening to the other person to know them. And it doesn't come just by reading about them in a book! You want to know God? Then, spend time with Him talking to Him and listening to what He has to say about everything.
Didn't Jesus say,
"I have much more to say to you? I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when the Spirit of truth comes, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come." John 16:12-13 (NIV)
You know what? Look at what this scripture says, the precious Holy Spirit just like Jesus never speaks on His own, except for what the Father wants said! Ponder that for a while. The pure and precious Holy Spirit never speaks on His own! But people sure do! "Oh! God wouldn't do that; He wouldn't handle this situation this way!" How do they know that? Have they sat down with God and let Him tell them through the voice of the Holy Spirit? In most cases, probably not! Because they don't know how to discern the voice of God! But man, and the body of Christ continue to speak for God when they don't even know what He wants said and done in each and every situation and circumstance in their own life, much less someone else's!
God wants to guide us into the truth about everything in our lives. And He even wants to warn us of things to come. And it isn't just about the end times. He wants to tell us when we shouldn't even leave our house! The things to come -- includes protection; it includes circumstances and situations; and decisions to be made in your life and you won't hear any of it unless you learn to ask God everything and listen to His voice and what He has to say about every situation and circumstance in your life! Reader, it takes moment by moment listening to God!
Now! People need to give God every opportunity to have full control over everything in their lives. Isn't that the example that Yeshua paid it all for? When you go about your life thinking that you know the right or wrong way to handle your life thinking that you know the right or wrong way to handle situations and circumstances, do you know what you are doing? You are putting pressure on God to do things in a way that He does not and cannot work in!
Let me put it this way: When you feel you know the right way to handle something and you go about doing it, you are not allowing God to have full control over what you do! And if you want God to have complete control of your life! We MUST learn to listen to God moment by moment! We are going to have to be asking God moment by moment in regards to everything in your life, just like Jesus did! Didn't Yeshua say, "Follow me"? Well, what do you think He meant by that? He meant, come follow My example in how to live and do what My Father wants you to do. He meant, look at My example and do it! Didn't Jesus set the example of doing God's will in everything? Of course, He did!
"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." John 4:34 (NIV)
Jesus wanted the Father's will to be accomplished in everything in and through His life on this earth. Isn't that the way the Kingdom of the Living God can come forth? "Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!" Shouldn't that be the desire of our hearts? Shouldn't that be the food we desire? Isn't that the example that Jesus set for us to follow? God has chosen to work through men/women on this earth! And He doesn't want to just work in parts of our lives; He wants the opportunity to bring forth His Kingdom on to this earth through every possible situation and circumstance on earth. We can be one of the vessels (provision) through which God can accomplish the bringing forth of His will to earth. And there isn't any circumstance or any situation that He doesn't want the opportunity to work in and through! But once again, we have a choice here! Are we going to follow Jesus’ example and "do nothing on our own", or aren't we?
"By Myself I can do nothing ... " John 5:30a (NIV)
The One perfect One, the Messiah, the Son of God Himself, said, "I can do nothing on My own"! What makes individuals even consider that we know the right thing to do without sitting down and consulting God the Father? What gives us the audacity to think we can just react and pass judgment on how to handle something? What makes us think that the master deceiver is not making us think that a certain way is the right or wrong way to handle something? Where do we as the body of Christ get the unmitigated gall to consider that we know what is the best way for God to handle a given situation or circumstance, if Yeshua Himself said what He did? He never did anything without knowing what God wanted done. Read the Gospel of John and see for yourself -- He asked God everything!
How can we know how God wants to handle something, especially if we haven't gotten with Him on a one-on-one basis about it? If we were so smart at handling situations, how come we have so many problems? How come we have messed up so much?
Jesus never made a mistake. He was the One perfect One, and He still said, "I do nothing on My own!" What part of that statement doesn't man understand? It can't get much plainer!
Just because something seems the right or wrong way to handle something, or just because something sounds like the right way or the wrong way to handle something, doesn't mean it’s God’s way! Just because something seems appropriate or doesn't seem appropriate doesn't mean it's God’s way!
God tells us things and asks us to do things that seem very inappropriate to others! SO, WHAT! So, it was with Jesus! That is why people thought He was crazy! (Mark 3:20-21)
God can only work in things His way, and in His time frame and in the manner, He sees fit for a particular situation. He doesn't work in our perceived way of the right and wrong way to handle things! God doesn't work in terms of what is appropriate to man! People just don't understand that! And why is that? Because they want to do it their way!
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