How do we Blaspheme God?
Many people have asked pastors and preachers the following question: How do you know when you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit? Or what is blaspheming the Holy Spirit? I have heard pastors say, “Well, if you have to ask that question you aren’t doing it? That is NOT true!
When someone (this includes Christians and non-Christians)ignores the edicts and commands of God – and they live out their life doing what they want to do - they are living their life – INSULTING GOD!
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is INSULTING God! It is walking around on this earth claiming that you know God and confessing you are saved, and saying you are going to Heaven because Jesus died on the cross and all the while you are NOT walking in obedience. That is blaspheming the Holy Spirit!
The bottom line is this: Man blows off what God has asked of us! And man ignores what Jesus has done for us by making excuses for not following God’s direction – making this type of statements: “This is too hard; God knows I cannot do this and that is why He sent Jesus to pay the price for us! And besides that - God gave me a brain to make my own choices!”
Yes! God did give us a brain! He gave us a brain so that when He tells us to do something, we would know the difference between - our elbow and our foot!
We MUST obey!! And YES, this is not an easy life – it is hard. It is tough! Here is what the Word says about this subject, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it.”(Matthew 7:13-14)
I truly feel that many Christians think they are entitled to special treatment because they have said a Sinner’s prayer! Many individuals honestly believe that all they need to do is go to church, tithe, and go to Bible studies and pray! Wrong! What part of take up your cross daily and follow me don’t individuals understand? When most people sin and do something contrary to what God wants, they normally say, “Oh, well I’m saved by grace”- never thinking about repenting. Others say something like this, “God I’m sorry. Thank you forgiving me.”
God abhors sin! All sin! He does not abhor just one type of sin – God hates all sin! We should hate sin!
I do not believe anymore that man can walk in God’s presence and in fellowship with God and not hate sin! When we sin, we should almost be reduced to mass hysteria with the realization we have sinned before a HOLY - HOLY GOD!
“Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, “Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed atrespass against me!”(KJV) Ezekiel 20:27
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