Working as a Christian Counselor/Addictions Counselor I learned the following: Most individuals who came to see me wanted and expected a quick solution for their problem or problems. In other words, they wanted a quick fix! There is no person on earth that can fix another person’s problems instantaneously! Over time, a counselor could work with the person or persons involved in a situation and point them in the right direction and help them understand why they are at the point they are at.
Here is the most important part of this teaching – the persons or person must cooperate with and work with the counselor! Something that is a problem and has been a problem over time is not going to stop quickly! Therefore, an individual’s cooperation with the counselor makes all the difference in the world! Cooperation is the basis for any situation, and it takes time no matter what the problem or need is!
MOST importantly: God is the healer and the fixer NOT the counselar!
God is the PERFECT Counselor and when someone turns to Him for help with a problem, He is going to give you direction in how to handle the situation! And when He does, He is going to expect you to cooperate! THAT IS HOW GOD WORKS! The pattern is the same – it takes listening, and cooperation!
Even Individuals who say they have the gift of healing do not have the power to heal - only God does! God may choose to heal someone through an individual - but they don’t carry the power to heal! ONLY GOD DOES!
Example: if you go to a doctor, he is going to advise you what to do. IF you follow the doctor’s direction and take the medicine your illness can most likely clear up. However, if you listen to his guidance, and you do not take the medicine – you are not cooperating with his direction, this can lead to a big problem! WE must cooperate with God and the individual who is trying to help!
What gives people the idea that Christians or people of God are supposed to be able to fix things?
The church gives them that impression! Look at the way most churches handle things. We are supposed to fix things for one another! When someone needs help, we are supposed to go right away and help him or her – in other words they go ASAP and attempt to rescue them. Now that is fine IF the problem is a life and death situation! However, everything is NOT a life and death situation! However, many people think this way! Therefore, individuals believe they are supposed to jump and run to the individual! I have seen this happen many, many times. Think the times something has gone wrong with someone you know at your church, or elsewhere and they believe they need help – right now! If the individual is a member of a church - most individuals will call the pastor first! And, if the pastor is not available – they will designate someone else to go. I have been a pastor’s secretary and I know this all to be very true!
Most churches encourage this. Churches teach that we are supposed to attempt to fix things for one another. Not even God can fix everything for somebody! But there is something else here! If we are supposed to fix things for each other and that is what the church is basically teaching people. What do they need God for?
That’s it right there! That is the problem! Why? They don’t need God! They don’t need God if we are supposed to fix things for each other! Individuals need to b taught when something comes up in their life that is a problem – God wants them to run to Him!
If people are told that other people are supposed to come to their rescue and help them whenever they have a problem no matter what is wrong and help them fix things; and if every time someone has a problem the church focuses on those giftings - Example: Someone is sick, and they are told – so and so has the gift of healing get them to pray for the person! If a financial problem is the issue – we need to pray for them for prosperity or give them a financial boost! Wrong! The individual needs to go to God first! He is first above everything! When the individual who is seeking help calls for the pastor – the first question to the caller should be: “What is God telling you, you need to do?”
It is about us fixing things for people and if that is what we are doing, why do people need God? WHAT do they need God for? They are allowing MAN to take care of their problems!
Stop hanging on the churches teachings of helping one another! We are supposed to help one another, but we are not supposed to fix things for one another and - replace God!
People need to STOP and Go to God and start saying, “God, what do you want me to do? Individuals panic and call somebody to fix things for them! People don’t have a need for God! They are so caught up with using Christians that they don’t have a need for God! Individuals are more concerned about what other individuals and other people can do for them! Think about it!
Fresh Life Tools Inc., USA