Is Your Bible Your Savior?
How many people think that Bibles were available to the average person 500 years ago? The disciples did not carry a copy of the Tanakh (Torah) with them. Nor did they have a copy of the Torah in their homes! Today obtaining a Bible is very simple! We simply go to the store and buy one. We are fortunate in this area. However, if we rely strictly on the reading of the written Word instead of spending time learning to hear God’s voice that is the biggest mistake we can make! The written Word is full of information about those who have come before us and about God and Jesus. The Bible tells us about the lives and testimonies of many individuals. I love the stories of the Prophets and all the individuals that were written about in the Bible! What is written about the individuals is how God - worked in their life!
Jesus said: “I still have many things to tell you, but you can’t bear them now. However, when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own initiative but will say only what he hears. He will also announce to you the events of the future. He will glorify me, because he will receive from what is mine and announce it to you. Everything the Father has is mine; this is why I said that he receives from what is mine and will announce it to you.” John 16:12-15 (CJB)
The Bible was meant to help us as a reference guide. It is not meant to be our Savior and Lord. The Bible was never meant to take the place of our time and relationship with God! Many people have let it. They spend too much time in scripture and almost no time at all sitting still and talking with God and listening to what He wants to tell you! We can know a lot about God from reading the Bible and we can know a lot about the ways He has worked in the past and things He has done. However, that does NOT mean we know - God personally!
Individuals have and can say, I’ve been saved 20 years! 50 years! However, if you asked them: “Having been saved such a long time as that, could you share with me something that God taught you personally today?” They will look at you as though you have three heads. Why? Because, they have just spent time reading and not given time for God to talk and teach them anything!
There is nothing that can replace actual time spent talking, sharing, and being taught directly by God. I can attest to that! For many years of my life, I did just exactly what I am talking about here! I was taught to do just exactly that by the teachers and pastors. Read a devotional and pray! Now go about your day!
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