JESUS did this for – US!
When a loved one or a special friend has a birthday, we normally give them a gift, and perhaps take them to lunch or dinner or we may even give them a party! If we really think a great deal of a person, we always want to do something special for he or she! If we are really close to this person quite often, we spend more on them than we do on others we are not as close too. How we feel about an individual and how much we love them comes forth from within us in preparation for their special day!
Thus, bringing us to the question and the point God wants me to make in this post: How much thought and effort do we put forth regarding the birth of our Savior? Most individuals buy a tree, decorate it, and proceed buying gifts for those we love. Now, for those who we do not buy a present for - we attempt to make sure we have extra gifts available – just in case! Quite often we go overboard buying and planning! There are many things we attempt to do to make things as perfect as possible.
Please understand I am not putting anyone down - not anyone! Over my lifetime - I have learned during the preparation for this special day we can slip up and the true reason for the season can disappear into the background!
Reader, Christmas is NOT about us! Are we supposed to celebrate the birth of our Lord? YES! However, during the preparation and the enjoyment of the season we must not forget whose birthday this is! It is Jesus Birthday!
Where would we be if Jesus the Word, had not been willing to lay down His life and say, “Yes” to His Father’s request. God the Father was requesting Him to put down His life in Heaven - leave Heaven and be born on earth! (Philippians 2:6-11) Now this request totally involved much suffering and death for Jesus! If He had refused God, the Father - we would be in an awful fix when we died!
However, Jesus chose to leave Heaven (Philippians 2:6-11) and come down to a sinful earth! He was willing to set the example in how we should and could LIVE EACH MOMENT OF EVERYDAY. Jesus showed us perfectly how to live our lives all the while experiencing suffering of all types! Thus, after His three-year ministry Jesus allowed himself to be put on a cross and die for our sins. NOT HIS SINS – OURS! ALL OF THIS WAS SO THAT WE COULD LIVE WITH HIM FOR ETERNITY – IF - WE MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES!
“The way we can be sure we know him is if we are obeying his commands. Anyone who says, “I know him,” but isn’t obeying his commands is a liar — the truth is not in him. But if someone keeps doing what he says, then truly love for God has been brought to its goal in him. This is how we are sure that we are united with him. A person who claims to be continuing in union with him ought to conduct his life the way he did.” I John 2:3-6 CJB
There is much more I could say. However, I HOPE you are understanding what God, the Father wants us to understand and remember! Christmas is NOT about us!
Another year has passed and once again what are you going to give Jesus for His birthday? Have you asked Him yet? Have you stopped all the so-called must do tasks of the day and spent time quietly asking Him what He wants you to give Him? Have you asked the question and then sat quietly until He answered you? And have you waited for His answer?
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