Obedience Is Freedom!
Freedom is obedience, obedience is freedom! Walking in obedience is not bondage, it is freedom. To walk in freedom, one must “hear” God’s voice. Without hearing God’s voice, walking each day is - guess work! Without hearing God’s voice, one cannot get direction for the day. It is important to God to direct your steps each day. God wants to direct each area of your life.
The Master needs to tell the slave what to do with His time. The slave’s time is not his, it is the Master’s. Therefore, the Master, having bought and paid for the slave, has the right to tell him what to do. This is freedom, for the responsibility for the day belongs to the Master. The only responsibility for the slave is to follow direction. If the slave is following directions and something goes wrong during the day, whose responsibility, is it?
Will the slave make mistakes? Yes, but the loving Master gives room for error. When a mistake is made, the slave must repent and believe that the Master has forgiven them. The slave then must get direction from the Master on how to do it better next time. Then the slave must go on in joy and in peace, knowing that their relationship with the Master is just fine!
Are we to strive to be perfect? Yes! For the Master told us, “Be ye perfect, as I AM perfect”.
Remember: We human beings will make mistakes, but the Master in His marvelous love, gives us room for error. There is no room for guilt, nor fear! Because, we are loved perfectly, all we must do is trust and believe in the Master.
Why? Because, the responsibility is on the Master, not on the slave! All the slave must do is choose - to trust and obey!
“Trust and obey for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”
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