Pick Up Your Cross Daily!
We must walk on this earth daily in an attitude of repentance, abhorring sin in our lives. Why?
“And he (Jesus) said to them all, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” Matthew 16:24 (NIV)
“Then to everyone he said, “If anyone wants to come after me, let him say ‘No’ to himself, take up his execution-stake daily and keep following me. For whoever tries to save his own life will destroy it, but whoever destroys his life on my account will save it. What will it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but destroys or forfeits his own life?” Matthew 16:24 (CJB)
Jewish New Testament Commentary
23–25 most “how-to” books advise the ambitious to look out for Number One in order to get ahead in the world. Jesus’ advice is exactly the opposite: put aside selfishness in order to get ahead in heaven; advancement in this world will follow as a consequence (12:31, Mk 10:29–30). His follower must treat his life apart from God as the life of a capital criminal, to be nailed on the stake and put to death.
We cannot pick up the cross daily and not be living in an attitude of repentance! I will take it a step further, if you are not walking in a humble, honest attitude - than you are not walking in an attitude of repentance!
The saying of a sinner’s prayer is presented to a new believer and it leaves them believing it is a magic formula that immediately makes everything in your life come into order! A sinner’s prayer is not “instant breakfast”! The biggest of all the issues is this: The saying of a sinner’s prayer does not make your life in Christ complete. The completeness that Jesus has for us is not signed sealed and delivered in a quick sinner’s prayer! It is merely telling God you want Him to take over and rearrange you in order that you can become the person He created you to be. And at the same time, you are giving God permission to change you completely! We must see sin in our lives through God’s eyes and abhor it!
Whether it is . . .
Selective Sin or Chosen Rebellion!
It still boils down to OUR choices!
When we choose anything other than the purposes of God – then it is chosen rebellion!
Rebellion is a thing of choice! I want to emphasize - it is a thing of choice! When we know something and understand it, we are responsible for it! More often than not we choose what we want to do and then we justify it by saying, we live under grace! This is false righteousness! Never forget – Jesus had choices too! So, what do we do about getting rid of the sin which easily entangles us? THIS:
CHOOSE to Behave Your Way Out of It!
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