The Principles of Forgiveness!
The principles of forgiveness are taught from the churches and synagogues throughout the world! Plus, there have been many books written about the subject of forgiveness/un-forgiveness. However, these principles are not practiced as they should be. Instead, people choose to hold grudges and as time passes, they grow bitter and incredibly angry! Even though forgiveness is the heart of the gospel and people want to be forgiven, people choose not to forgive. We live in a very unforgiving world, a world that has adopted the philosophy of “I don't get mad, I get even.” Un-forgiveness and hatred and revenge are pretty much accepted today.
The very first need for forgiveness is recorded in Genesis the third chapter when Adam and Eve willfully disobeyed God! When they carried out their choice to disobey God shame, guilt, and disobedience to name just a few came into a perfect world! Genesis 3:12 shows us exactly when the old blame game popped into the world! But, most of all their choice put a wedge between them and God. We know that we need forgiveness and we know that we are told to forgive others.
“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)
We know this is a command. It is not a “if you feel like it” statement. It is not an “if you want too” request. It is a command, meaning, “Do it”! In many churches, during their services, the priest or pastor has the congregation repeat the Lord’s Prayer. In that prayer is the following:
“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:12
As you can see it says, as we have also forgiven. We are talking past tense here. It is a statement, as with many others, that people just say without paying attention to what they are saying. To put it simply, often, people just stand and repeat memorized prayers and while saying them, their minds are on other things. Does God not know that? Do you want someone talking to you with their mind on fifteen other things? In my family we call that “beaming up” and I call it rude! When you are praying to God, give Him your full attention. Concentrate, be respectful and simply talk to God and tell Him what is on your heart and mind! He loves that!