Sinning with a High Hand!
When we as Christians decide to make a choice in any given situation and we know it is a wrong choice and it is not what God wants us to do – if we proceed to do what we desire to do all the while saying to ourselves, “Oh, I live under grace and I know God will forgive me.!” When that happens, we have just blown it in the eyes of God! Why? Here is the reasoning: When we go ahead and choose to deliberately go forward and do what you WE WANT that is - REBELLION! When that happens here is what God sees us doing: Hew sees us taking our fist and raising our hand toward Heaven and shaking our fist in His face! This is SERIOUS place to be!
“For IF we deliberately continue to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but only the terrifying prospect of Judgement, and of regain fire that will consume the enemies.”
“Those who deliberately continue to sin (v.26) are doing what the Torah (Bible) calls “sinning with a high hand” and for such sins the Levitical System of sacrifices prescribed in the Torah (Bible) does not atone – this is the point of this passage.” (see Hebrews 10:26-31(CJB)
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