The Anointing of the Holy Spirit!
If you pray for God’s Anointing on something, there are times that He will honor that prayer and do it. However, God doesn’t answer our requests to affirm us – God answers so that His Works can be GLORIFIED in the situation! Just because there is an Anointing on a particular thing doesn’t mean that there is an Anointing on the involved person’s life as a whole!
Fact: We can pray and ask God to put His Anointing on something that we are working on or something we have accomplished - IF our heart motive is pure in why we are asking! And IF something is NOT right, you will know it the moment you pray!
If you are walking in tight OBEDIENCE to the will of God for your life, the Anointing is going to be on your life! Will you eventually have blessings? Yes! Will you eventually prosper in your health and in your finances? YES! Will God give you gifts that will enable Him to use you in special ways? YES! When you are walking in obedience to God are you being used by God? Yes! Is the Anointing on you? Yes! Do you have the fruits of the spirit? Yes! Are you in financial prosperity? Basically, eventually, yes! Does Satan have authority over you? No!
IF you are totally under the will of God, will God, use you at times? Yes! But just because God put His Anointing on you to accomplish something, doesn’t mean that you are going to have any part of the other things that have been mentioned - that only comes along at the same time when you are - walking in the center of God’s will. The only guarantee that you are going to have everything all at once, is if you are walking in the center of God’s will. These gifts more than likely will come slowly but when God places them on you, they are - PERMANENT!
The first thing to remember is that someone with a calling on their life did not receive the calling after they were created. You were created FOR the calling that needed to be accomplished on this earth!
The power of the Anointing of someone’s calling does NOT come - all at once! It comes as they are poured from “glory to glory”! (I Corinthians 3:18)
Our aroma must change in order that the aroma of God can come through! For this to be done our baggage, our stuff, must be removed! The Anointing that God has given to someone cannot come into its fullness unless the clutter in their life and the junk within them is done away with! That comes with and throught the Transformation Process spoken of in Romans 12:1-2.
Our minds must be renewed – we must come to a – single-minded focus! The Anointing and the calling on one’s life is there but, it cannot come through unless we have - CHANGED! This takes time and it is not an easy task. There are many who have not been willing to go into the wilderness for God to change them. Also, there are those who have gone into the wilderness but when the going gets tough they - quit! God needs clean vessels for His Holy Spirit to work through.
Are we the righteousness of Christ? Yes, we are! But IF there is junk in our lives such as family issues, and baggage from our past that have NOT been worked through – the power of the Anointing to come through in its fullness – will be at a minimum instead of its total fullness! If that is the case, we are like a light bulb working at minimum wattage. The light will be weak, and it will be hard to see in the dark. We need the light of Jesus operating at full power to accomplish what the Father created us for!
“I exhort you, therefore, brothers, in view of God’s mercies, to offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God. This will please him; it is the logical “Temple worship” for you. In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of this world! Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what God wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying and able to succeed.” Romans 12:1-2 (CJB)
The words used in the above Scripture (transformed and renewing) are not sudden verbs. They are continuing verbs because this is an ongoing process for the rest of our - life!
“So all of us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into his very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by ADONAI the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (CJB)
We must be like Him in that we must carry the attributes of the Savior within us. We can’t be Jesus for we are not Jesus! However, we should and must carry his likeness (his attributes) in us. We are the “aroma” of Christ to the world! And the fragrance is the fragrance of the Rose of Sharon!
“But thanks be to God, who in the Messiah constantly leads us in a triumphal procession and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of what it means to know him! For to God, we are the aroma of the Messiah, both among those being saved and among those being lost; to the latter, we are the smell of death leading only to more death; but to the former, we are the sweet smell of life leading to more life. Who is equal to such a task?” 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (CJB)
The walk of obedience brings forth the Anointing in our lives. Can we be used? Yes! But we will be used at less than the fullness we were called for and Satan will have much more access to our lives when we are NOT walking in tight obedience!
WHEN our lives are IN a state of tight obedience – God will NOT be able to be stopped from accomplishing His will through lives!
Will God’s will be done ultimately? Yes! But do you want God to be able to use you in the way - He sees fit? OR do you want to be the one who allows a delay or a serious side tracking?
When you are walking in tight obedience God can’t be stopped! Satan can throw things and detours and roadblocks. However, God can’t be – STOPPED! There is no way God can be stopped when someone is walking in - tight obedience to Him! No Way!
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