God is looking for OUR WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE TO PRAISE HIM – NOT JUST OUR MOUTH! Now, if we choose to just go on our merry way and go to church and lift up to God halfhearted praise and or empty praise and sing all the praise songs while our minds are wandering about lunch (who we are going to eat with, where will we go to eat, and OH! I have a great deal planned to get accomplished this afternoon – hope I can get it done etc.) Then! WE NEED TO KEEP MAKING OUR OWN DECISIONS FOR OUR LIVES! Plus, we need to keep on using our OWN WISDOM which “WE THINK’ is God’s WISDOM! OR WE CAN choose to LEARN to HEAR God’s VOICE and follow HIS direction for each day! THE CHOICE IS OURS!
Here is the bottom line: If I think what God had to say TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO to another person is more important than what He personally has to say to me each day – than there is no point in my asking God for help in my life – because He can’t do it! And if I continue to believe that God doesn’t want to talk to me and won’t talk to me today – then that means I believe that God changed His mind in how to help and communicate with His creation! By the way! The Bible says that God doesn’t change His mind!
NOW, here is the “Biggy”: If I keep attempting to figure things out in my life on my own wisdom I’m denying what Jesus said to His disciples when He told them: “I have much more to SAY to you.” (John 16:12a) Jesus always consulted His Father on everything!
So, if I keep making my own decisions in big things and small things – and saying to myself and to other’s statements like this: “I feel that this is what God wants me to do:” I’m in deep trouble! Why? BECAUSE WE CAN’T GO ON OUR FEELINGS! Satan is a real liar when it comes to our emotions! PLUS, our emotions lie to us in many situations - it is too dangerous.
When we choose to make our own decisions without flat asking God whether we are doing the right thing or not – we can get into a world of hurt!
Here is that BIGGY again that I mentioned: If I go forward making my own decisions (asking friends what they think and talking it over with THIS PERSON AND THAT PERSON.) and my decisions are wrong. – GOD WILL NOT STOP ME! Truthfully, how could He? I did not ask for His input in the first place! And He will not force Himself on me!
“We know that we have come to know Him if we keep His commandments. Whoever says, “I know Him, but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.” 1 John 2:3-6 (KJV)
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