The Father Knows Best!
“So then, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us, too, put aside every impediment – that is, the sin which easily hampers our forward movement – and keep running with endurance in the contest set before us, looking away to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting, Yeshua – who in exchange for obtaining the joy set before him, endured execution on a stake as a criminal, scorning the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Yes, think about him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you won’t grow tired or become despondent. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in the contest against sin.” (JNT) Hebrews 12:1-4
How do you treat God? What is your heart attitude toward God? What is a proper heart attitude toward God? How can we be sure that our heart attitude and our heart intention stays true to what it should be in our relationship with God? What do you expect from God? Ask God if you in any way attempt to manipulate Him.
People want God to do, do, do for them. And while they are wanting God to do, do, do for them, they are at the same time looking for whether somebody is right on with God or not. How do they go about that? They will judge whether somebody is right with God or not, by whether they have something encouraging to say to them or not! That is “so” NOT what God is about!
We have so few examples of Jesus on this earth. (John 21:25) But what we need to understand is that in the Word, there are very few examples of Jesus giving people individual words. What did Jesus do? He pointed people to God! He gave them encouragement to go to God and get with Him; and get their life straightened out.
Most people don’t want God for the right reasons. People want God in their lives to fix the problems, handle their difficulties, and to give them what they think they - need!
Until someone comes to realize that God isn’t handling their difficulties, and until they realize, they are not getting what they think they need, they are not going to want God for the right reasons!
There are people who think they can go around doing what they want to, and than they expect God to come in and rescue them out of their problems and fix their insecurities. What they are really doing is wanting God to play, “Fairy God Mother”! That is exactly what many, people think is going to happen! It is a mindset, it is a type of thinking, and it is a mentality!
Have you ever heard statements like this: God is in control! God is in control; He will work it out! God is in control of that, He will take care of it! I ask you what kind of talk is that?
For someone to think that all they must do is go about their life doing what they think is right, and all the time saying God is in control and God will work it out, they are - off!
People create messes in their lives by making their own decisions according to their wants and desires and then they “expect’ God to bail them out of the mess! Who is the servant here?
God is not our janitor! There are times situations cannot be fixed! We must come to understand that! So, to have that type of mentality of always saying, “Oh, God is in control, He will work it out”, is stupid! God is not our janitor! IF He were that would make Him a servant and He – IS NOT!
Let me make something perfectly clear here. Until you are walking in a true obedience, there is NO guarantee that God can work something out when you make a mistake!
Make no mistake even if we go to God for every major decision, that doesn’t guarantee we are never going to make a major mistake! However, it minimizes it! But it doesn’t prevent major mistakes completely because everything counts! Big things and little things count. Little things can impact in a very big way and big things can impact in a very small way! There is no way to say this is important and this isn’t! Only God can tell you those things! But like I said, when you begin to walk in a true obedience, then and only then can mistakes be fixed in your life!
We are the servants, not God! We must come to understand that! Some things just can’t be fixed! We must allow God into our lives through His Son Jesus! He has the answers, we don’t! What an insult to God for us to think we can go around not asking Him what He wants us to do in each aspect of our life! And then when we royally mess up, we say things like, “God is in control, He will work it out” That is baloney! What God abuse we have working in our lives when we walk in this type of mentality! Never forget: God is only in control of those things in our lives we allow Him to be in control of!
If you are only asking God three or four times a day what you should be doing, and how you should be doing it, then you are not where God needs you to be at this time in your growth with Him.
Jesus didn’t come to this earth to do His will, so what makes us think we are here to do what we want?
“For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” (NIV) John 6:38
Who is the servant here? God wants to build healthy families, and healthy people. A healthy family is something that you can’t get anywhere but from God. A healthy confidence without pride is something you can’t get anywhere but from God.
Financial success Satan can give you! Fancy cars, a big house Satan can give you that! A good job Satan can give you that! All that “stuff” that is all material stuff from the world, but he can’t give you a healthy family, and he can’t give you a solid marriage. He can’t give you confidence without pride, and he cannot give you a good relationship with your children. He can ONLY give you worldly blessings!
There are individuals that are out there, and they are being encouraged to seek God for their needs, desires, wants and this and that. But they are not being taught enough of the truth or enough of how to seek God in order that they can grow to succeed in salvation. They are basically failing, and it is not because they are failures. It is because they have been set up to fail! Wrong teachings and wrong perspectives! Many of us were taught that way!
I have said over and over, this is not instant breakfast! This is not a quick lube job! Life holds many different issues for us, and our heart can change on this issue, or that issue. But that doesn’t mean we have had a whole heart attitude change about God
There is a teaching in Christendom from which people do not realize that they are taking and applying inappropriately. Let’s look at the scripture involved:
“Don’t delude yourselves, my dear brothers – every good act of giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father who made the heavenly lights; with him there is neither variation or darkness caused by turning.” (JNT) James 1:16-17
Here is the problem: People get a glimpse of their calling and purpose on this earth. They either get it through a prophetic word, or directly from God through His Son Jesus. When this happens, they quite often try and acquire as many “good and perfect’ gifts toward that calling or towards the fulfilling of their purpose on earth; they do this thinking that they are going to assist God by being able to push through.
Some people after getting this glimpse begin trying to make every imperfect thing in their life go too quickly to make room for everything “good and perfect” so that God will be able to do what He wants with them in their life!
Let me put this even more down where the rubber meets the road: In your desire, zest, or impulsiveness to become what God needs you to be in order to fulfill your calling; if every time you become aware of something in your life that is not good and perfect; if you try to make that imperfect thing go in order to make room for every good and perfect thing, this is not going to make God be able to do what He wants to do with you!
As soon as we see something wrong in our life, that needs to not be there, we can’t want it fixed and taken care of right then! This is often a misunderstanding of God’s time and season for everything! Christendom really has gotten off in that when they see something a person is doing wrong, or something they are really struggling with in their life; they think deliverance is the immediate answer. You hear something like this: “Oh, God doesn’t want you to have to struggle with that, it was brought and paid for on the cross!” Well, yes it was! But what if God doesn’t want that “thing’ to go then? What if He knows something we don’t, and He flat out doesn’t want that thing gone then? What about it?
The church doesn’t get it! They misunderstand, and or they forget:
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)
There is not just one day that any of us can decide, I just want this out of my life, and say, “God take it!” And then it goes! It is God’s choice, His timing! We must grow into the understanding of the perfection of God’s will! God has His own perfect way of doing things, and He has His own perfect time to do it! When we push ahead of Him, we can get our self into a real mess. We can do this because we don’t know God, and we don’t know His ways!
Do you know that when we go ahead of God, we can begin to feel very off? We can even begin to feel that God is way off from us. We can even begin to feel abandoned. We can feel God stepped back from us. He will do that; He will step back. Why? Because we have gone ahead of Him, and in so doing we have pushed Him back!
When we don’t allow God to tell us how, when, and where to do things, we are going about doing things our way. To do this, and think God is going to bless it, because we are doing something good and right, that is wrong! This is not true! Is every “good and perfect gift” from God, yes! But that doesn’t mean we are to decide one morning that we are ready to have something good and perfect in our life! It is not our decision when something unclean or unperfect is supposed to leave our life! That is up to God not us! That is making God our servant, and my friends that is dangerous! That can put us in a world of hurt, and discomfort. That is playing God, and there is no other way to put it!
When we begin to do that, we are sowing to the wind, and we are going to reap a whirlwind! Why is that? Because you are (sowing) attempting to plant something out of God’s will for that time and space! Therefore, it is not God’s doing! Even though it may be what God would want at some point, you are sowing (planting) out of season. So, what is there to reap?
“For they sow to the wind, so they will reap the whirlwind” (CJB) Hosea 8:7
“Then I looked at all that my hands had accomplished and at the work I had toiled at; and I saw that it was all meaningless and feeding on wind, and that there was nothing to be gained under the sun.” (CJB) Ecclesiastes 2:11
We are taught the opposite! We are taught, “Oh that is wrong, that must go. I’ll pray for you right now, and we are going to ask God right now to remove the desire and take that out of your life right now! And Satan you can’t put it back.” You know what, God may not want that gone yet, and all that is going to do is give Satan a wider door to come into that person’s life! That creates blood on people’s hands! Big mistake, big mistake! Damage control needs to be instigated here in this whole area!
Reasons We Should Want God In Our Lives
- Prepare for our calling
- Help others successfully
- For living a righteousness life
How To Stay True To God
- Remember He is God!
- Remember He is Holy!
- Remember He knows what is best for your life, not you!
- Spend quality time with Him!
- Give God time to talk!
- Make sure you have all the information God wants you to have!
- Don’t rush your time with God!
- Make sure you know when God wants something done!
- Try to learn to trust Him!
Fresh Life Tools Inc., USA