The Right to Choose!
The choices we make in the NATURAL – Bring forth the manifestation of the SUPERNATURAL!
The choices we make in the natural bring forth the manifestation of the supernatural whether they are godly or ungodly choices! You can count on it!
We do not have the power to determine the course of our lives without the awesome knowledge of God. Without the Holy Spirit we are no match for Satan. Even Satan is greater on this earth than we are. If we think that we have more power to determine the course of our lives than God or Satan does, then we are sadly mistaken. Without the precious Holy Spirit in our loves and the ability to hear His precious voice, we are completely lost. Satan is the prince and the power of this earth. Without the Holy Spirit, Satan knows more than we do.
By our choices either for God or for something Satan has willed, we determine how God moves in our life! Or we give Satan the room he needs to ruin or destroy our lives.
Are we puppets? No! Because we have the right to choose! We must realize that we are created beings and that we are being pulled to make choices every moment of the day and night.
Every time we make a choice, it is either a choice for God or a choice for Satan. It is either black or white. Our choices are for God or for selfishness (i.e., Satan). We must be willing to be a devoted follower of Father.
When we give our lives totally to God, we can be at peace but always remember, we were created for God’s good pleasure, not ours. (Philippians 2:13) (Ephesians 1:5)
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