Understand your walk in Obedience!
Understand your place in God’s eyes in all areas! Ask God: “God, am I where you want me to be in my thinking, in my focus and in what you want me to be doing?” Don’t just go with the flow! Take a minute to get direction!
When you have started to walk in obedience to God and you don’t spend time with God each day – you have already begun to backslide! Why? Because Salvation is an everyday decision! If you have skipped a day, then your life was not God’s!
Wake up with God on your mind! Tell God your life is His and listen to what He says! Get your direction and then go on. However, if you wake up and just go on with your day, your life is NOT God’s!
Don’t let people upset you! You have only one enemy on this earth which is the devil! Get on with your life – if you are focused on what so and so did to you, things will drag on in your life! If focused on other things and not focused on the little things God wants, you to do – things will drag on! There should be calmness and stability in your life!
Therefore, Walk in faith without answers!
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