
Where did GOD come from?

One Sunday after I finished teaching a young man walked up to me and ask the following question: “Where did God come from?”  I replied with the following statement “Would you mind waiting for me to get with God in order for me to answer you the way He wants me to?”  He replied, “That would be fine.”  The following is what I shared with the young man:

First, everyone on planet earth needs to understand that God is - SUPERNATURAL! And this fact is something that needs to be accepted through - FAITHGod has always existed, and He will always exist, and it is all - SUPERNATURAL!

Now if we understood where God came from would that not put us on the same level as God?  YES!  Of COURSE, IT WOULD!  You see this was Satan’s problem he wanted to be like God!  And now, at this time here on earth he would love to see us get all involved in attempting to constantly FOCUS on this issue!  Why?  Because it would be a strong distraction from what God really has for us to accomplish and focus on!

Of what consequence is it to our Salvation to know where God came from?  PLUS! How could we possibly understand God’s infinite mind with our finite mind?  How can anyone on this earth with a finite mind understand how God created man from dirt – when all He did was speak the dirt into existence!  God SPOKE the entire creation of this earth and everything in it – He SPOKE it all into being!

God’s affairs of Creation were settled and taken care of a long, long, time ago.  I stand amazed just thinking that God created everything on this earth through His – SPOKEN WORD!   

All we need to know is simply this - accept God for who He is and walk on.  We have work to do on this earth and people across the world (and we know some of them) do not know God!  And because of this they are walking in a danger zone regarding where they will spend eternity!

On one occasion Jesus told His parents the following when they were looking for Him: “Why did you need to look for me?  Didn’t you know that I must be working for My Father?  Luke 2:49 (Voice) These words of our Savior are our daily mission! Every moment of our day we are supposed to be about our Father’s business!

While here on earth understanding where God came from will not help us to know God nor help us get to KNOW Him.  Learning to HEAR HIS VOICE and SPENDING TIME WITH HIM – WILL!

What else do we need to know then this: God SPOKE all things in to being!  It is NOT for us to understand where God came from.  We do not know even know where the wind comes from!  “The wind blows wherever it pleases.  You cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.”  John 3:8 (NIV)

Man can search and search and think and think some more about how things all came together!  However, it comes down to TWO words – GOD SPOKE!

I stand in AWE!


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